Saturday, July 23, 2011

Epic Blog UPDATE

So this is my FIRST serious blog in a while, sorry about that. Its been a pretty rough month. So here it goes...
I have been sick. ALL MONTH. That is putting it lightly. I have had Bronchitis, strep throat, and a pretty serious allergic reaction. After almost being cleared of Bronchitis I took a turn for the worst (Of course) and ended up with Strep. Then after that the Bronchitis returned so NOW I am on a 'stronger' medicine that has made me feel pretty healthy FAST. SO I am thinking that I will be in the OKAY to hang out with friends! :)
This is the only person I could hang out with because I can risk her health being my sister so YES. SHE DOES HAVE A SHARPIE 'STACHE ON! I drew it.
But I have been doing very little because Ive been so tired. BUT I have realized (or realised?) that I have a pretty cool skill I didnt know about....I can put my foot behind my head...EFFORTLESSLY

No..JUST KIDDING Im more like this....

Clearly STILL EPIC. But that isnt the skill I just realized. I am pretty GREAT at make up (eye shadow). Yeah. I tried it from a youtube video and IT WAS GREAT. Im pretty excited.

So I have been fired. Cool HUH? -____-
So with the LITTLE UNDERPAID money I had I decided to spend some.
I have purchased a new cord for my crappy laptop because right now the one I have has to be twisted into a certain position to work. -$13.95.
Then I decided to fuel my make up desires and buy more expensive but better make up.
So that was -$39.97
But assuming I will use both excessively Im going with the fact that they were good choices. (I dont really like buying things for myself. I feel somewhat guilty spoiling myself.)
Anyway I just noticed that i never updated you on my dads wedding! :O
So here are some pictures!

Daddy Steph Amy & I <3

Daddy & Steph

Daddy & Steph

Brides maids and Steph & an aunt. (I think.)

Amy & I

So my Dad and Steph went on a 5 week honeymoon all around Europe and India! They will be home on the 28th! Im super excited! (I know on a previous entry my dad and I were rocky, but we're working on it) I have missed them! Okay Im outtt!
I shall leave you with this!

Tobby is cool... (not really him..)

So Thats pretty much all I have been doing. Really. Im fixing to make a schedule for everyday next week. Im hanging out with close to 7 poeple if all goes well. :) Anyway.
(Wedding pictures credited to Adriana Alvarez)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I know I suck sorry. I promise to fill you in soon.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Church, Lojo, Blood, and Hospital!

Im obviously not a good blogger. -___- sorry. Let me update you sice the 20th. :O
20th through to the 24th: I was helping teach VBS at church so I didnt write. Sorry.
-That was so much fun! I learned all the names of my kids. I had 15! They were mostly all so sweet. I met new people who were also teaching. I honestly can say I will return next summer. It was very rewarding and Im glad I helped the church out.
24th-27th: Laurenn.
- I spent all that (except saturday) with Laurenn. Laurenn was sick but being me and cocky as hell I claimed I have the best immune system and I would fight it off faster then she could give it to me. That Monday I went home but by the end of the night whatever Laurenn had was taking its toll.
27th-1st: BED
-I really feel horrid at this point. Unable to swallow, eat, or even drink. I started caughing up blood. I couldnt breathe. There was a huge ammount of pressure on my chest.
1st(Mid morning): Momma take me to the doctor. I get told I have bad Bronchitis. The medicine I was taking was sending the 'liquids' to my lungs which could have led me to being hospitalized. -__-
Its now the second of July. I cant sleep. Im dying for water but I cant swallow. Im tired.