Saturday, July 2, 2011

Church, Lojo, Blood, and Hospital!

Im obviously not a good blogger. -___- sorry. Let me update you sice the 20th. :O
20th through to the 24th: I was helping teach VBS at church so I didnt write. Sorry.
-That was so much fun! I learned all the names of my kids. I had 15! They were mostly all so sweet. I met new people who were also teaching. I honestly can say I will return next summer. It was very rewarding and Im glad I helped the church out.
24th-27th: Laurenn.
- I spent all that (except saturday) with Laurenn. Laurenn was sick but being me and cocky as hell I claimed I have the best immune system and I would fight it off faster then she could give it to me. That Monday I went home but by the end of the night whatever Laurenn had was taking its toll.
27th-1st: BED
-I really feel horrid at this point. Unable to swallow, eat, or even drink. I started caughing up blood. I couldnt breathe. There was a huge ammount of pressure on my chest.
1st(Mid morning): Momma take me to the doctor. I get told I have bad Bronchitis. The medicine I was taking was sending the 'liquids' to my lungs which could have led me to being hospitalized. -__-
Its now the second of July. I cant sleep. Im dying for water but I cant swallow. Im tired.

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