Sunday, October 30, 2011


Story ONE
*You were in college working part time waitin’ tables
Left a small town, never looked back
I was a flight risk with a fear of fallin’
Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts*

I looked up at my best friend, Luke, as we walked to Mrs. Hicks Spanish class. I hated this class, even dr
eaded going but he made it a tiny bit better everyday. Just like every day before, and as expected for every day after he slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of note book paper and slipped it into my hand. I smiled, hugged him and told him to go now, if he didn't he'd never make it to class on time, even if it was just basketball, I didn't like to make him late. He smiled and walked away. I slipped into class and sat next to Emily, she smiled and said 'him again? You must like him!"
I replied shyly " No, he's my best friend, I couldn't ever."
Okay, okay we'll see." Emily said with a devilish smile plastered on her face. Mrs Hicks introduced a new level of Spanish vocabulary I sat taking notes but I was so far from the class I was in. I was thinking about what Emily was saying, "we'll see", it bothered me for some reason, it was only the start of my tenth grade year, I wasn't worried about boys, falling in love. It just wasnt my thing. I wondered 'why we bothered with lve if it never lasts'. The bell rang and I stood, shocked that I was abruptly awakened from my thoughts. It was time for lunch. I grabbed my bag and walked with Bella as she chatted about the new boy in her life, Chris, I was in and out the conversation, listening enough to respond correctly but not enough to make her believe I was with her mentally.
'Beth? Are you okay?'
'yess. Yess, I'm fine. Just a little distracted.' quickly veering the subject back to Chris. We got to the cafeteria and she went to sit with her friends as I went to find Kate, Callie, Kandis and Allison, I hadn't known them long but their stories made me laugh enough to make me want to stick around. I'd wished Luke was there. I listened as Kandis told me about her Saturday night from the weekend before. I pulled out a piece of paper so I could write back to Luke. Kandis didn't even notice and lunch continued on like that.
When the bell rang to dimiss us from lunch I was already outside by the basketball entrance with my note to Luke. He greeted me with a smile, took the note and walked me back to Spanish. Day after day, this was what kept me going to school.

*Do you remember, we were sitting there by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time.
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter.
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.*

Soon Luke and I were spending after school tutoring together everyday. Talking. Laughing. And maybe even falling in love.
He got me like no one ever had.

*Flash forward and we’re taking on the world together,
And there’s a drawer of my things at your place.
You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded,
You say we’ll never make my parents’ mistakes.*

He knew about my family, he understood. He made it all go away, all I saw was him. We took the world on together. We were never alone.

*And I remember that fight. Two-thirty AM. As everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the "Goodbye"
‘cause that’s all I’ve ever known
Then you took me by surprise
You said, "I’ll never leave you alone."*

The night young and amazing. October 15 perfect. Cool enough. Stadium lights. Hearts beating fast. High school football games. Perfect. Until the fight.
It was over.
Hearts broken
Luke gone.
Beth alone.
He was no longer 'mine'.


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