Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sparks Fly

**Note: My stories are all not linked. They are in no order, except for how they came of the actual album.**

Story Two
'Sparks Fly'

"The way you move is like a full on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
You're the kind of reckless
That should send me running"

I look around my new math class, I know absolutely no one. Not a single person. 'fantastic' I think sarcastically to myself. 
'Can I sit here?' I look up to see who'd spoken to me, a tall blue eyed kids eyes met mine, "I suppose so." I really could care less. I was determined to just breeze through this class and never think of it again. 
"I'm Matthew." he said. 
"Beth." I said blankly, all the while thinking "...this boy is not going to let me slide past without a word." 

"But I kinda know that I won't get far
And you stood there in front of me
Just close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of"

Matt became part of my day after that. I, of course didn't let him, he forcefully had in the end. It started with teasing and then like a worm he had wiggled his way into my daily routine. I didn't let him know though. I'd never been the one to show how she felt, especially this year. I'd promised myself that I'd stop letting my heart run who I was. I needed to think more. This boy however made me forget all that, he had danger written all over him. But as long as he didn't know what I was thinking I knew I was safe. So we continued like that, friends. Him trying his hardest to make me laugh and me trying my hardest to keep him far far far away from my heart.

"My mind forgets to remind me, You're a bad idea. 
You touch me once and it's really something, You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be.
 I'm on my guard for the rest of the world but with you I know it's no good and I could wait patiently but I really wish you would.."

I sat slumped over my hand out, I hated this crap, why did I need to know the location of the intersection of two lines on a graph? Matt looked at me and smiled, " Need help loser?" 
"No. I'm good" I said
Still though he slid his seat to my side and took the pencil from me.
"Look you just have to move the x intercept and then plug y equals into the calculator for both.." 
"BLAH BLAH BLAH." I interrupted. "Let me nap." 
"Beth.. Come on... Fine, never mind then."  he said, already defeated. "We should hang out..?"
"No." I spoke quietly but firmly.
"Why not?"
"That's a disaster waiting to happen."
"You can't just hang out? Let your damn guard down for once!?" he said, hurt underlined his voice.
"Okay, okay. Tonight. One chance."

"I run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild.
Just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right. Lead me up the staircase
Won't you whisper soft and slow?
I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show."

And there I was, leaning on Matt as we watched some lame action movie he'd picked out. But we both knew he'd won. My heart was for the taking. I look up at him, in that moment all the walls I had built crumbled when his lips met mine. I was captivated.


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