Saturday, May 14, 2011


Just like any other normal teenager I have plenty of issues with my parents. I fight with my mom a lot but in the end I realize I'm wrong and I go apologize. My dad on the other hand is an exception. You see my dad left a year ago. I have seen him eight times since then, yes I counted, anyway I still feel like I never got a full explanation as to why or how he could leave, I fought to keep him and he left anyway. Now he is marrying his girlfriend, Stephanie, who I must say I was weary about at first but now have grown quite fond of. My dad asked me to be a brides maid and reluctantly I agreed. I wanted to please him. As I got to thinking I wanted him to meet my step dad, Jeff, and my mom to meet my soon to be step mom, Steph. So I called and explained my idea and without even considering it he said no. He didn't want to 'mix old life with his new life' his words, which he denies now. Anyway, the next part gets complicated. I was upset. I told my mom. She blew up. Screamed at my dad. Jeff called me, I cried on the phone. He blew up. Screamed at my dad. Long story short my dad wants to talk and I have come to realize that I am always the one to fix things. I always apologize first I always go out of my way to make plans and it's me giving everything in the relationship and him taking everything. So here am. He told me to call when I'm ready. But I don't want to call. I wanted him to fight for me! But no. He won't. Anyway. I have a lot to do today and forgiveness is not on the top of that list. I'll update you. :)
Love, BJ

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