Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Road

The world hasn't ended yet. What a pleasant thought. :) So I'm at my dads house right now :/ but I have an hour until I have to go get my nails done so here is what I'm thinking of today.
I'm reading The Road my Cormic McCarthy I must say it's a fantastic book, but this line caught me off guard and it really spoke to me. The Man says this about his wife's suicide: "She was gone and the coldness of it was her final gift". Do you think The Woman is being kind or cruel here? Also, consider how much The Man tortures himself with memories of the previous world. What if the world could have disappeared with a similarly clean break? Would that have been easier on The Man? He couldn't leave his son so how could she? Was she being selfish? Did she want the man to hate her go make letting go easier? It's just a great line.
In my opinion she kills herself begging the man will hate her so that he can go on caring for there son, although I think it's selfish to take herself away from her little boy I do believe she does it to protect him. So that if he grew attached to her he wouldn't have to face the pain of losing his mother.
Someone did this to me, he didn't kill himself but he did want me to hate him so that I could move on. I think it just hurts more. D: anyway. I hVe to go. Think about it.

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